Peace in Uncertain Times

Political uncertainty can affect our mental health.

Mental Health Foundation (UK), Ways to look after your mental health at times of political uncertainty.

This is an important point, and the folks at the Mental Health Foundation in the UK continue with specific actions you can take to look after that mental health.

That said, the most recent book from Energion Expand, Finding Rest for Our Souls, addresses many of the same issues and others related to living in times of difficulty.

Here are some suggestions for actions to take in handling stress during times of uncertainty, selected from the authors’ contributions in this book:

  • Turn inward and cultivate an inner sanctuary: Engage in practices that help you connect with your inner self and create a sense of safety and peace within. Amber Mattingly found yoga and meditation helpful for this.
  • Embrace the full spectrum of your emotions: Allow yourself to feel and express your feelings, even the difficult ones. The Psalms demonstrate that it is okay to express a wide range of emotions to God.
  • Engage in meditation: Practice meditation to stay present in the moment and connect with an inner sense of home and safety. The mantra “I am home. I have arrived” helped Amber Mattingly during a moment of panic.
  • Use prayer as a way to express yourself: Like the writers of the Psalms, pour out your heart to God, sharing your fears, anger, and sadness. Amanda Clark-Hines found praying out loud to be a meaningful experience.
  • Explore spiritual direction: Consider engaging with a spiritual director who can offer a supportive space for you to explore your relationship with God and navigate difficult emotions.
  • Find refuge in the idea of God’s presence and faithfulness: Remind yourself that God is with you, even in uncertain times. Reflect on the concept of God as “hesed,” which means generous faithfulness and merciful loyalty.
  • Practice stillness: Take time to be still and quiet, trusting in a power beyond your own. The phrase “Be still and know” can be a source of refuge.
  • Engage in practices that promote embodiment: Reconnect with your body and allow yourself to feel your emotions rather than disconnecting from them.
  • Remember past experiences of God’s presence: Anchor yourself in moments from your past when you felt God’s presence and guidance. These memories can serve as a beacon in uncertain times.
  • Reflect on scripture, such as the Psalms: Spend time reading and reflecting on passages that resonate with your current feelings. The Psalms offer a “sacred canopy” that can help you live life free from anxiety.
  • Consider a “cleansing ritual”: Adapt or use a ritual like the one described in the book, involving lament and a symbolic release of burdens. This should be done with the help of a spiritual director.
  • Practice self-compassion: Be kind and gentle with yourself during stressful times, recognizing that suffering is a part of life.
  • Engage in loving-kindness meditation: Practice sending feelings of safety and well-being to yourself and others, including those you find challenging.
  • Examine the root of your distress: Ask yourself what is at the core of your anxiety and how much it truly matters in the larger context of your life.
  • Invite a higher power into your space through prayer: When feeling attacked or overwhelmed, consciously invite God into that space for support and to help you move through challenges.

A spiritual practice

This spiritual practice, prepared by Amber Mattingly, provides meditations morning and evening for seven days.

The Book

Cover Image for the book Finding Rest for Our Souls

Finding Rest for Our Souls

In a world that feels increasingly chaotic and uncertain, finding inner peace and resilience is more important than ever. This book is a guide for those seeking solace and strength in the midst of life’s storms.

Within these pages, you’ll discover:

  • Personal stories of overcoming adversity and finding healing
  • Practical strategies for navigating difficult emotions and experiences
  • Spiritual reflections and practices to deepen your connection with God
  • A supportive community of fellow seekers on a similar journey

If you’re ready to find rest for your soul, this book is your companion.

Let it guide you towards a place of peace, even in the midst of life’s challenges.

Order your copy today and begin your journey towards healing and wholeness.

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